Wednesday, February 4, 2009

((insert clever thought here))

1. I am a 21 year old girl who goes to the University of Utah, and I'm proud of it.
2. I speak spanish, but enjoy throwing in made-up words to make me sound better.
3. I love the smell of campfires, in the air-not on my clothes or in my hair.
4. I have been known to stop for green lights.
5. I'm probably the most distracted person you know... It's not you, it's me.
6. I believe small man syndrome is an epidemic.
7. I have two sides, a girly side who likes make-up, nails, and looking fabulous... Then another side who can shoot a gun and ride a dirt bike.
8. I have little tolerance for people who enjoy drama, and who insist on making me part of it...
9. I am a texting machine
10. I have a lot of friends, but only a couple that I am real close to... Its an exclusive club.
11. I randomly think of funny things to say throughout the day.
12. I don't listen to weird music, you do.
13. I only talk when I have something to say. This can easily be mistaken for shyness or being stuck-up.
14. My friends and family made me who I am today.
15. I buy anything with a star on it.
16. Black and red are my favorite colors.
17. If I was a Barbie, I'd be keg stand Barbie... Or I would be break-up Barbie- Who comes with all of Ken's accessories..
18. We're perfect for eachother
19. Yes- I am a career student. No- I don't like it.
20. There is a bud-light in the fridge calling to me... Ignore it Steph.
21. I am a firm believer in the "snow should only last between Thanksgiving and New Years" theory...
22. (insert clever thought here)
23. Twenty-Three is my favorite number... LOOOVE it for some reason.