Monday, February 2, 2009

My Love/Hate Relationship With Bud Light

So.... As anyone who knows me would know, I have an uncanny love for beer. Hard alcohol is quite less appealing to me, but every once in a while i can venture... But beer, different story...  

As I recall, in my younger years, the taste of a Budweiser was something that instantly made me get a look on my face like "Why?" before booking it to the nearest sink. So my question is what happened? I don't really remember a transitioning period between that and keg stands.

In saying that, my love/hate relationship with beer is thus born. I find myself, on a Friday night, having a hard time resisting the cold Bud Light being passed in front of my face by my less sympathetic boyfriend. Once I open it though, i don't have a hard time drinking 2... or 12. Thus, beginning, and ending my "love" side of the relationship. 
Beer is a must at any concert, night out, or evening event. Me, normally being a shy natured person, can typically end up being a bit too un-shy after consuming 3-4 pitchers. This can go both ways on the scale of love/hate given that I instantly gain the, "Stephanie Hamilton, PHD" title added to my name. I can sometimes also gain the "Stephanie Hamilton, Stubborn Ass" title, which can be easily as detrimental.

The morning after drinking beer... usually a different story. I sometimes lie awake at 6 A.M. kicking my own ass, typically for things that I shouldn't ever worry about, and tend to not once the hangover wears off. I also find myself kicking my ass for things I should worry about, like screwing up all the calories I lost at the gym by consuming 3 beer bongs  in 20 minutes, or telling someone my whole life story, usually with the "don't repeat this" speech at the end. 

While knowing I am far from an alcoholic, and that I usually pace myself and limit myself to only a buzz, there are still some of those nights that I can make really really stupid choices. That said, I VERY RARELY go into a party with the "lets get crunk" mentality. But noone's perfect...

1 comment:

  1. I have heard the "dont repeat this" speach wuite a few times...
    I love you and miss you, Lets get together and im happy your following my blog, Its pretty lame but.. hey at least you will know some of my life.
    Its really true a post or so before this you wrote about how we dont write the honest all the time. That made me think a lot.. haha me thinking? crazy I know.. jk.

    Anyways Ill go before I write you a whole blog.
